Why Im Skeptical of PGA Tour 2k21

PGA Tour 2K21 2k announced they are releasing a new golf game titled PGA Tour 2K21 on May 6th. The release was a surprise to most and created some hype around the idea of a new golf game. What many may not know about this game is that the same developers at HB studios, have been making golf games for the past couple of years as the golf club franchise. This franchise won the PGA tour rights from EA after the Rory game in 2016. My take on the Golf Club 2019 is that it stinks, really bad. In comparison to the EA games, the swing mechanics look terrible, there is no character, and it is way too hard. I have a harder time playing the golf club than I do playing golf in real life. The whole time playing the game it felt like the developers never actually played golf. Its more of a course creating video game where you can also test out the courses. There is no real clubs, clothes, or swings that any real golfer would have. I think that the game play in GTA golf is better than the go...